Leave your troubles behind on vacation.
US and Canadian auto insurance is not recognized by Mexican authorities.
Your US or Canadian insurance does not cover theft or physical damage to your vehicle while in Mexico.
If you are driving a US or Canadian registered vehicle (US or Canadian license plates) into Mexico, you will need to purchase vehicle insurance for Mexico. US and Canadian auto insurance is not recognized by Mexican authorities. Mexican authorities only recognize auto insurance underwritten by a Mexican insurance company. If you do not have Mexican liability insurance, you may be prevented from departing the country even if you require lifesaving medical care, and you are almost certain to spend some time in jail until all parties are satisfied that responsibility has been assigned and adequate financial satisfaction received. The Liability coverage in your policy will demonstrate proof that you can respond to damages or injuries for which you may be responsible. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that you always purchase a Mexico auto insurance policy prior to entering Mexico with your vehicle.
Although some, not all, US/Canadian auto insurance may provide some level of physical damage and theft coverage for your vehicle if you stay within 10-50 miles of the US/Mexico border (check with your US/Canadian insurance carrier), absolutely no US/Canadian auto insurance can provide liability coverage that Mexican authorities will recognize. At the absolute minimum, you should always purchase Mexican liability coverage, and it is always a good idea to include 'Full Coverage' if you are concerned about protecting your own vehicle. Mexican insurance is extremely inexpensive, so you are 'loco' not to purchase a policy prior to entering Mexico! Get an instant Mexican insurance quote!
Maybe put the Mexican flag and a dessert scene on it somewhere.